What the UN needs
The UN, the thing which is ment to keep us from descending into another World War, needs a right kick up the arse, and do you know why? NO! not because of some Oil for Food 'scandal', which i think has been totaly overblown by FOX news, but because the US will not commit itslef to peace. It doesnt care what the rest of the world thinks, which is damn obvious from the Bush nuts and FOX dumbasses. "Who needs the rest of the world? Were America" or words to such effec6t which I am postitve Bush says to Condi Rice. America didnt give a shit about the UN, mainting peace, or WMD's which we all know now. But i think we need a right overhaul of how the UN works, and how other democracys in the world relate to each other,
I think the UN should set up a new Institution, the United Nations Orginization for Democratic Advancement, UNODA, which comprises of all the proper Democracys in the world, i.e. not just free and fair elections, but treaty obligiations, human rights, and free press etc. So it would basically comprise of the US, Canada, the 25 members of the EU, Switzerland and Norway if they wanted, Iceland, South Africa, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Brazil and India maybe; but basically if you are considered a Democracy, then you should be in UNODA. Now the members of UNODA should have like special trading privelages between each other, exchange of technologies etc. And they should have complete arms embargoes on all countries not in UNODA, plus a varying degree or diplomatic and economic sanctions on non-members. Because I dont think there are any privelages, apart from being a functioning western democracy, and having freedom for your population, for these countries that want to be accepted in the World Community, but still want to keep their tyrannical way of life. Saudi Arabia, Im looking at you. And it would give a great enticement for more Rose, Orange and Tulip Revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine and Krygyzstan respectivley. It would be such a brillaint reward for these countries that overthrow their oppressors, and as soon as they hold new elections, which are free and fair, which Georgia did, the Ukraine did last November, and Krygyzstan will in June, they would be accpeted into UNODA, and immediatley have all these new trading rights and a voice in the world. For a country to be admited, the members would have to vote, but if they filled all the requirements, I dont see why they wouldnt be admitted.
Now how would this work for the UN, more specifically, the Security Council. Currently we have the Five permanent members, plus ten elected countries, but Kofi Annan has put that under review. Frankly I find it offensive that Bastards such as Mugabe and other facists in Saudi and North Korea etc, could get a say in huge world events that need to be discussed in the Security Council. They should no way be any way, say or how that they should get a seat at the World table when they treat their citizens like that. Fucking unbelievable! anyway, i think the Security Council should be comprised of 10 permanent members, adding Brazil, Germany, Japan, South Africa and India, but with no new vetoes, and another 15 members, elected on renewable four year terms by the General Assembly, but only countries that are members of UNODA should be
elegible for this election, dont you agree? then youve got a situation where countries activley wanting to become democracies and trying to become members of UNODA so they get could get a seat at the Security Council, as well as economic privelages and being able to purchase weapons and that.
And to give the council teeth, which it so sorley needs, i would say that any nation that uses millitary action, (America and Britain!!) or contravenes UNODA rules, such as dealing with the really awful countries or trading in arms to non UNODA members, without the express consent of the Securtiy Council, would be suspended from UNODA, and the Security Council.
Anything has gotta be better than what is here now. Darfur has been in crisis for years, millions are suffering and over 300,000 people have been butchered and the World, specifically the UN, as the US has already called it Genocide, and nothing has been done. the worlds biggest living shite Robert Mugabe is still ruining Zimbabwe, tomorrow they go for an 'election' whcih if they dont vote for ZANU PF they starve, he is still there! get the Security Council to issue and International arrest warrant for him!!! and lets start taking action!
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