Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Judge not lest ye be judged

Good Christ! Christians are everywhere, and in everything these days! No matter where you look, where you turn, you'll find someone with a crucifix, someone spreading the word, or someone being totally vulgar and offensive by not having sex. Its disgusting.

I recebtly heard that some american pharmaceutical companies, and some chemists, are beong allowed by law to refuse to sell the morning after pill, or even forms of contraception, to women. I found this disgusting. Medicine is about helping everyone, or allowing EVERYONE access to what they need or deserve. I mean, these christians go on and on about too many abortions, and i agree that it would be best if there were no abortions, and by giving women the morning after pill is a way to reduce that. I find it totaly offensive that someone who is ment to be in a position of respect and of help as a chemist can refuse you the morning after pill. Ive got a female friend who is allergic to latex condoms, and the only none latex ones available are extra thin. But she new that if the worst came to the worst, she could always go along to the chemist and get the morning after pill, with no judgement and no questions asked. When I was with my ex-girlfriend, we had a situation one night when the condom split, but it wasnt THAT big a deal, cause we knew that she could get the morning after pill and it would be ok. So if Christians start taking away womens rights, which they are doing with this, no doubt, then it creates complications for these womens lifestyles.

This is minority control, or even worse, the majority telling the minority how they should live. Freedom and democracy is just as much about protecting the rights of the minority, as it is serving the intrests of the majority. I think, in many places in america, the idea of liberal, free democracy is disapearing. I think in many places, Theocracy would be a better word, In that the church, and other christians, can control the rest of the population. No sex education, no strip clubs, no morning after pills or abortions, no drinking no gambling! Christians are taking the fun out of life, and worse than that, people are not being aloowed to live their lives the way they want BECAUSE of these 'people'.

I heard today that the IRANIAN parliament approved a law, allowing abortions for badly handicapped children up to four months, a lot more liberal than some places in america, and this is Iran, a real Theocracy.

Now it is a fact that some Muslim and Christian 'doctors' are refusing treatement to people like gays, or refusing to treat people with STD's or carry out abortions; and some legislators are trying to make this a right! When doctors become doctors, they take the hippocratic oath, saying that they have a duty to care for everyone who is sick.
"I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required"

And so a Christian doctor refusing to treat a patient because s/he considers that patients lifestyle morally wrong is appaling, and i think, therefore, means that s/he is neither a doctor, nor a christian.

Who are these people, to tell us that the way we live our lives are offensive, and 'wrong'? Who are they, who think theyre the dogs bollocks of morals, and are so god damn high and mighty, that they can sit on their mountain and say 'you're evil, you're going to hell'. Well I find it offensive when christians come up to me and let me know Im going to hell, but i can be saved by paying 5 pound and going along to a church youth cult on a friday night, so they can tell me how evil i am. to which i love to reply, sorry, on friday im going to get very drunk and have a lot of gay sex with whoever i can find, and maybe next morning down some morning after pills, and that provides enough spiritual solice for me, thanks alot. (although, after seeing Constantine last nite, me and ally, lovingly referred to as anti-christs, wanted to run into a church and pray, so we wouldnt go to a hell as portrayed in Constantine, the best film ive seen in a while, with the scariest hell scenes ever. So if christians want to convert more people, forget peace and love and the rest of that hypocritical bullshite, show them Constantine, and tell them thats where theyre going if they dont come to mass on a sunday morning.)

So the fact of the matter is, Christians are ruining our lives. There stopping normal people from choosing whatever path that makes them happy. Im perfectley happy to let them have their religious freedoms, and to go around praying there mumbojumbo or watever, but we have our freedoms too. No one has higher morals than the next person, as morality is all a question of perspective. So christians, stop being so anal, stop getting ure arses into politics, where it doesnt belong, stop judgeing others, because others judge you to. "Judge not lest ye be judged" as some old fart said.


At 11:51 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh my God. It's like political correctness... Gone mad(der)...

It sucks, doesn't it? The crazy world we live in.

Lovin't the rant,

At 8:31 AM, Blogger Andy said...

Yes, all Christians are terrible. That Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., guy, what a poser.

Please be more careful with your ill-founded generalizations. While it's true that great evil has been done in God's name -- by every religion in every era -- I will not allow you to qualify and categorize me based on the questionable actions of others who profess my faith. They are answerable to God, not to you.


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