Quiz Night!
So anyways, I will be leaving the downward spiraling world of International Blogotics and tell you all about my Quiz Night!
Yes it is tonight! the high point on the Eastwood High School social calendar (right underneath the Night Out's, the Gig's, and Mandatory Blood Test Day) so our once strong and versatile team that consisted of Mr D. (aka Aileen), Mr A. (aka Ally) Kim and Agie (aka Jill and Angela) and myself (aka THE POOF!) have now been reduced to just myself, Aileen and Jill, Ally if she can get her ass in gear, but she tends to be 'sick' whenever something remotley un-fun pops up. i.e., my ex-boyfriend Barry, (aka Bagina, coz he is) when his show came up (he calls himself an actor) myslef, claire and ally were all doled up to go, waiting to meet at the train station, when alison decides she is ill. But nevermind, after a frantic wild goose chase through Glasgow, we found the theatre, and Claire had a great time screaming abuse at the performers, audience, ushers, chairs, and anyone in the general vicinty.
So anyways, Quiz Night starts at 7.30, and should be a good laugh. Our team name be the actual best on ever to be heard. since our members all smoke, I came up with the name The Black Lung Brigade, good or what!? It put a smile on the face of Mr McCormick anywho, the organiser and possibly the greatest Biology teacher in the Northern Hemisphere?
So anyways, I belive the questions will be on entertainment, not politics or international issues, which is why the TV is tuned to Neighbours, and not the News.
So anyways... Ally is very excitebale at the moment. her boyfreind Matty will be coming up to Glasgow from Liverpool next week! its very exciting, i belive he is the only man in the Brittish Isles to be 6"4, and sport a Ginger Afro. Very amusing. he is such a really nice guy though. Ally spends hours on the phone to him, talking in a very sensual manner (dirty girl) and god knows what he does on webcam ( i have been informed, however, that he is hung like a tyrranosaurus) He was quite stoned the day when Myslef and Ally were texting him during History. I would much rather hear a stoned liverpudlian than have to hear one more time about how blooduy King Richard and Philip Augustus had it off with each other! But if Richard Lionheart did prefer men to women, as the books say, does that mean he was the first gay character ever to be portrayed in a Disney Movie? I am of course thinking of the sublime, yet subtle magic of Walt Disneys Robin Hood. After doing my History Extended Essay on King John though, I now wish, as Aileen suggested, that I state in my essay that "King John was a lion, who ruled England from 1199 to 1216. His chief minister was a rather scheming snake called Hiss, and his arch-nemesis was a crafty fox by the name of Robin Hood." However, as open to new ideas as the SQA are (laughs pompousley) i decided against it, and instead wrote 2,500 words on whats was meant to be a disection of the ideas od the Community of the Realm and Magna Carta, but failed miserabley on both counts.
So anyways, its 1hour, 15 minutes till my Quiz Night, so i best be off, and if i'm not still spiting out Trivia by the time i return, i may detail the events, till then, in the words of Mahatma Ghandi, "Have it up, Have it off, Have it often"