Tuesday, October 25, 2005

...Personal Update...

Well The DeLay post below has been my first one in months, and i heartily apologise to my fan. But I am back, at least for a while, to spouting liberal bile into the WWW with every despicable, anti-bush feeling in my same-sex liking body.

Anyway ill let you know what ive been doing. Did pretty good in my exams! 2 A's and 2 B's!! failed french though...ahh well, je ne ce...eh...no wonder i failed ay? But me got on A im Engblish! Woohoo! and in History of course, i still reckon i got full marks like i did in the prelim (go the poof)

And another big addition, well the addition of the other half of my mind, heart, body and soul. The wonderful, adorable, gorgous Scott! My Australian boyfriend!

Well in the summer, just after i stopped posting probably, went to Australia, Perth, in WA on holiday with ma dad, step mum and wee bro adam. During our time their i just fell in love with the place, its so gorgous, so amazing. So i decided to stay for three months, as my visa permitted, and maybe travlel round oz, then my dad has a friend who owns a bar in spain in which i could work in too. So i decided to take a year out before Uni to live my life in other places. I was getting fed up of Glasgow, although i didnt get to go like clubbing and pubbing all the time their, coz i wasnt 18, i have been to some clubs in glasgow, such as Fury Murrys and Bennets, and I know what their like. Entertaining, but really fufilling. And I was going from boyfriend to boyfriend and i just couldnt find the right person.

As it turns out, the right person was on the other side of the world, and actually at that particualr time, three weeks before we met, was telling his friends he would love to have a boyfriend with a scottish or irish accent. Well babe, hows this : "Alrighty their, ah pihnt of Guiness an' wheres mhe loocky charms?

Anyway despite the best efforts of laura and andy and angy and nicola and clairey and the rest to get me to come home, home is now a nice new flat in South Perth, WA, Australia. With my amazing boyfriend, and may i say, my last boyfriend ever, Scott.

Im in Glasgow right now, had to come back about a month ago coz i was kicked out of my stepmums dads house coz i was gay, and couldnt stay at scotts parents forever, altho they were so nice in puttin me up, anyway, will be taking off from Glasgow Airport on the 13th november for a life with Scott, a job with Greenpeace, and the world at my feet.


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