Monday, May 23, 2005

Filibuster, the End of America

Tonight could mark the end of liberty and democracy in the United States of America.

Tonight, Bush and Frist will demand a vote to get rid of the filibuster in judicial apointments.

Tonight, if the resolution is passed, absolute and subjective rule by one group of people will be completed over the other group.

Tonight, Liberty could die...through thunderous applause.

The one thing about a mature democracy is minority rights. The right of a political minority to live the way they want. Blue citizens in america are officialy the minority. What makes a blue citizen? Abortion rights, gay rights, the teaching of evolution, secularism, freedom of speech? And what happens when the other sideo obtains total rights over the other? They will put their rules over the other ones. The difference between the reds and the blues is that blue means liberty, and red doesnt. That is undisputable. Right wing christianity, i.e. all christians in america, does not promote liberty, neither does denying people civil rights, or restricting freedom of speech.

So how does a minority keep their rights? Why have the blues not lost their rights sooner?
The Filibuster. The thing which protects the rights of any either minortiy. and to break requires aproval from both sets. 60 votes to break a filibuster, and neither party has, or will have in the near future, 60 votes in the senate. And so even the threat of a filibuster will make the other side sit down and talk to the other side, to discuss and debate and to keep fundamental rights.

Fundamental rights will disapear, however, with no opposition to say hold on, wait a second. Bush has for the past four years been slowly destroying american libertys of equality and liberty. 'You either with us or against us' only a fool speaks in black and white. You cant negotiate in black and white, you cant give way, you cant see the other point of view, nor can you even possibly begin to be a half decent leader, a half decent leader understands the fact that beaing a leader mean leading the whole country, not just the half that votes for you.

I feel very sorry for the blue, liberty and freedoms loving people of america, fot their liberty is slipping right infront of their eyes, and to speak up is to be 'un-patriotic'.

To question is to be 'un-patriotic'

To debate is to be 'un-patriotic'

To say no, to stand for what you believe, yo look at the facts, to discuss and to keep freedom, is to be un patriotic in red america, a red america burning in its own man made hell. Liberty, freedom, is on the out in the USA.

And the fact that the filibuster for judicial nominees is now, probably going to be gone, i feel afraid for the america we thought we knew.

Bush has got through over 200 of his judges, only about 10 are in contention. more than any president in modern history. And with the end of the filibuster, the senate will become a rubber stamp for american judges, who are very, very powerful. more powerful than congress, as they must vote. Judges sit on the bench and impose the doctrine which put them their onto the nation.

Now the senate is voting to basically give the president the power to apoint judges without contention. Totally unconstitutional, but thats realpolitik for you.

'Vote the chancellor emergency powers!' came the cry from the galactic senate. 'vote him more emergency powers! less deabte! we are at war, we must have one strong leader'
As so says Star Wars III. A voygae from freedom loving republic, to facist empire. smoothly, voted away.

Nazi Germany, intelligent republic, voted away their freedom.

The senate will become a rubber stamp for Bushes judges, and it wont stop there, filibusters for other things will be voted away, soon, a simple 51 majority in the senate, a majority in the house and a republican president will mean that the minority will be irrelevant. Total majortiy rule.

It would be alright if it was the Democrats, as Blues know how to keep freedom and liberty, that is wat they stand for. Republicans, Theological dictatorship.

When Gore was robbed, A little bit of America died.

When the patriot act was blindly agreed to, A little bit of America died.

When Iraq was invaded on a lie, with anyone who mumbeled the slightest thing against labelled a traitor, A little bit of America died.

When the rigged election of 2004 ment Kerry lost, A liitle bit of America died.

And tonight, if the Filibuster goes, America, Liberty, Justice, Peace, Equality, Freedom, will be dead.

'So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous aplause.'


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