Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Pope Benedict XVI

So gods rotweiler has become pope. Not really a surprise. I watched the dean of the college of cardinals stand on the balcony, and the world was waiting to hear the new popes name, i was siting on the edge of my couch in excitement at who they had elected, and let out a groan when they said ratzinger.

the church had a chance to start the new reformation of the church, ending world poverty, reforming the system of the church, but in the end, they chose the arch conservative. anti gay, anti women, anti science, the catholic church is going back to its roots, and i can shed this pro church stance i have been taking, thank god.

hes a hardliner, and hardliners i dont agree with. at least he is only a transitional pope, and in a few years we will be goin back to Rome, hopefully for a better pope. Hes the most polarising and divisive figure in the catholic church, he is the chief of the thought police, master of the modern inquisition office. And i am pleased i can go back to my roots, and weve got a hate figure again. Benedict has taken the vatican back to being the antithesis of liberalism, and i dislike him, and am pleased of that fact.

Hopefully, Benedict will make his way up to the great big conservative convention in the sky soon, and the church can have a few years to mull over a more progressive candidate. and when that happens i can start thinking the church can change.

The church cant change, Papa Ratzi is a tough one, and we liberals can be just as tough.


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